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Colour Division by Ian Boddy & Markus Reuter

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IAN BODDY & MARKUS REUTER Colour Division (CD on DiN)

This release from 2013 features 53 minutes of moody electronic music.

BoddyÕs eccentric style of electronics meshes nicely with ReuterÕs droney Warr guitar sustains, fashioning tuneage of a mesmerizing nature,

The first track pits snickety e-perc against a rising tide of Warr guitar chords, all undulating amid a pool of growling electronic effects. The singsong interplay of the instruments establishes an excellent opening for this album.

Enduring atmospheric sustains usher in the next piece, leading to a passage of more coherent guitar notes counterbalanced by vaporous background tones. While somewhat piercing compared to the rest of the flow, the lead notes instill a lasting tenderness in the listener.

The third track features more sashaying guitar sustains, this time adopting a more gentle posture as they sigh into a sparkling veil of electronics, all of which converge on burbling fade-out.

Followed by a piece that allows the guitar to unleash some hostility, spitting out searing chords in tandem to a mounting backdrop of blooping electronics. As the guitar explores a jazzy motif, the bloops mutate into crunching noises, creating an interesting counterpoint.

In the next song, gurgling electronics provide an edgy milieu for the guitar sustains as they pleasantly drift on an almost imperceptible bass tone lurking in the distance.

Track six introduces a rhythmic presence with clicking beats amid the roiling stew of chiming electronics. The guitar has a fun time injecting a rockish flavor with some pronounced riffs, but reverts to dreamier expressions for the wrap-up.

The last track pursues a gritty yet relaxing pastiche of sustains and drones, designed to lull the listener for the albumÕs finale.

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